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Jack and I landed in San Diego, took an Uber to Campo, California, then hit the Pacific Crest Trail the following day, on my 60th birthday!

Standing with my 23 year old son at the Southern Terminus of the PCT was much more emotional than I had expected. For years I have known I would have to do something to shake the "60th birthday monkey" off my back and start a "new beginning" with serious intent.

Thirty-three years ago my dad died at the age of 60. Both my grandfathers died in their early 60's, and as my children have entered into adulthood, the life my wife and I have been use to, is naturally changing.

After asking Jack for a few minutes to myself, I gained my composure, said a prayer, and together we began the journey north and more importantly, the journey for the soul and future.

Wow, what an adventure already! It's been a combination of daily planning, the essentials of food and water, and meeting all sorts of people. People that are curious, people that have their own story, and people that want to give back. Oh, yes, and of course seeing the beauty of God's Country.

Click this link to see the first 42 miles and a few photos:

The highlights since arriving in San Diego: getting rattled on by a big daddy rattlesnake, hitching a ride, watching a beautiful sunset one evening, only to wake up to see the sun rising from the other side of the earth, dinner with Bad Santa, a Trail Angle, and two new friends, one from Germany and another from Japan, being next to my own blood, Jack, finding a thoughtfully written note in my backpack from my daughter, and being outside 24/7.... I love being outside.

I plan on posting shorter blogs about once a week, for friends and family and anyone who might want to follow.

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